Data urls in the browser search field of the form given below will cause the browser to treat it as a syntax ,
data:text/html,<HTML code can invoke javascript>
1.Speech to text
Just type
data:text/html, <html><body><input type="text" x-webkit-speech /></body></html>
in search field.
2.Notepad in browser
data:text/html,<html><script>var saveIt = function() {document.location = 'data:text/html,' + document.childNodes[0].outerHTML;}; var updateId = function() {document.title= document.body.innerText.replace(/\n[\s\S]+$/," - ")+new Date().toString();}; window.setInterval(saveIt, 30000); window.onload=function(){var a=document.body;a.addEventListener("keydown", function(b){if(b.ctrlKey&&83===b.which){saveIt();b.preventDefault();}},!1);updateId();};</script><body contenteditable></body></html>
in search field
3.Chrome offers loads of features, type chrome://chrome-urls
Lets see some interesting chrome-url features.
Check out chrome://predictors/ ,Chrome actually learns your browsing pattern by predicting the urls as you start typing.The larger the hit count the more successful it is in predicting your intentions !!
chrome://cache shows a list of all the url's that has been cached .It's a good place to observe all urls that have been processed by chrome.Including the url's that belong to ads,analytics,images etc.
chrome://credits/ shows you a list of tools that has been used in developing chrome
chrome://dns/ provides a complete domain name server activity with statistics included.
For those who want to check out the flash plugin in your browser
Go to chrome://flash/
There is also an option to trace browser activity with regards to resources in use,
in chrome://tracing . start tracing ,open a new tab and load a page,later when the page is loaded you can stop the tracing and check the resource usage of the webpage.
if you want to view resource usage as a task manager, use shift+esc it will open up a chrome specific task manager
Similarly chrome://memory will indicate the memory in use of all the tabs.
Complete network statistics can be obtained at chrome://net-internals
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