Sunday, 3 August 2014

Google app engine for java with eclipse and hello world

Installing stuffs in linux is not a joke , well apart from the addiction of solving the little intricacies which the kernel puts in our way sometimes you just can't get the kernel do what you want to do !

Having said that, i tried incorporating google app engine plugin with eclipse indigo which by default is available from the ubuntu software center. Some hours and few cusswords later i finally gave up and used juno.

So lets begin
1.Download juno from link
2.Running it is pretty cool , just click the executable and viola , but for the viola moment you need to have java installed.

sudo apt-get  install openjdk-7-jre
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

3.Move the extracted eclipse folder to /opt
sudo mv eclipse /opt/

4.Create a eclipse.desktop file and move to /usr/share/applications with contents

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment

5.Make a symlink at /usr/local/bin by

cd /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse

6.We are done installing juno , you can now search eclipse in dashboard or run via terminal

Now lets get a hello world running

In Eclipse choose help->install new software
and use to install
  Google Plugin for Eclipse (required)   
  SDKs->Google App Engine Java SDK 1.9.7    1.9.7

Once that is done we need to download the GWT SDK from

Then go to window->preference->google->web toolkit
use the 'Add' button to browse the location where you have extracted and submit.

We are done , you can create projects using
file->new -> project -> google-> web application project

Good luck