Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Latex tutorial,sample code included

Latex is a really pretty tool used for creating all sort of document viewing format mainly pdf's .Yes there exists tools for converting MS word to pdf but its not as flexible as Latex ,By latex you have total control on just everything.

Latex can be used in linux OS ,for that you may have to install kile .
Kile provides gui tools so that you can just click and the corresponding codes are incorporated into the latex.

Generally another counterpart of kile is dia diagram editor ,using which you can just do any diagrams with built in symbols to assist you ,so again it has gui help for the user.

I will not dwell into deeper waters as the web is filled with ubiquitous help for latex and dia.
Latex can also be used for making ppt slides .

A sample latex format for presentation slides are provided here

A ieee latex format is provided here

If you encounter any errors when using this format,that may be because you may not have IEEEtran.cls in your working directory , download from here