Saturday, 13 October 2012

Clamscan Antivirus in Linux

Free antivirus is available in Linux , ClamAV seems to be pretty credible and is provided free of cost, The same can also be used to check for virus in windows partition: 1.If you have windows and Linux in separate partitioned disk in your machine then you can simply mount the disk which has windows installed in it and run the clamscan in the terminal as $> clamscan /pathtomounteddisk 2.If you have sole windows machine , again you can use live cd/usb to run clamscan Install clamscan by using Sudo apt-get install clamav The virus signature database can be obtained from Clamav To update the database use freshclam as $>freshclam ; To install this use $> sudo apt-get install clamav-freshclam If you face problem updating using freshclam (If you are behind a proxy) , you can manually download the virus database main.cvd from the link mentioned above and paste it to /var/lib/clamav You can then use clamscan !