Managing multiple heroku accounts can be difficult as each account requires a unique ssh key ,
To generate unique ssh key for each account use the following steps:
1. create a ssh key by $ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f ~/.ssh/unique_name
here is the email id used for heroku account
you may be asked to enter a passphrase , passphrase is something like a password for the ssh key.
2.Add this key to your server by $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/unique_name
3. Login to your heroku
4. then use, $ heroku keys:add
It will then indicate the list of keys available in the system, as
Found the following SSH public keys:
select by indicating the number 1 or 2
You are done.
Now you have authenticated the email id. To allow usage git repository from your system create a new user by $adduser username
and provide a password for the same.
switch to the new user by $su username
then create a ssh key by $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
once the key is created , get the public key by using $ cat /path/.ssh/
login to your heroku account from a browser and click account, its top left beside the gravatar.
in your account you have an option to add ssh key, copy paste the key generated there.
Once done, whenever you want to push your git repo to heroku thats before $git push heroku master
switch user $su username
then try pushing it . Thus you can manage multiple account wherin a new user for different email is needed.