Saturday, 31 August 2013

Twitter auto reply bot

Twitter bots are generally used for spamming with irrelevant ads, however @spartan_madness is intended for pure fun.

The bot searches for tweets with text "this is madness" and responds with a reply

"madness?, THIS IS SPARTA !!!  "

The bot was developed using pure php.

There are other bots as well for example check @DBZNappa .

I hope@spartan_madness wont be suspended !!


Great just got account suspended

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Map of Friends , Facebook application using amMap

The application is intended to allow users to browse all the check-in's of their friends on a map. Apart form accessing their checkin details the user can also look at the home and current location of the users friends .

The application can be found here

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Using multiple heroku accounts

Managing multiple heroku accounts can be difficult as each account requires a unique ssh key ,

To generate unique ssh key for each account use the following steps:
1. create a ssh key by  $ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f  ~/.ssh/unique_name

here is the email id used for heroku account 

you may be asked to enter a passphrase , passphrase is something like a password for the ssh key.

2.Add this key to your server by    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/unique_name

3. Login to your heroku 

4. then  use,  $ heroku  keys:add 

It will then indicate the list of keys available in the system, as

Found the following SSH public keys:
select by indicating the number 1 or 2

You are done.

Now you have authenticated the email id. To allow usage git repository from your system create a new user by $adduser username
and provide a password for the same.

switch to the new user by $su username

then create a ssh key by  $ ssh-keygen -t rsa   

once the key is created , get the public key by using $ cat /path/.ssh/

login to your heroku account from a browser and click account, its top left beside the gravatar.

in your account you have an option to add ssh key, copy paste the key generated there.

Once done, whenever you want to push your git repo to heroku thats before $git push heroku master

switch user $su username

then try pushing it . Thus you can manage multiple account wherin a new user for different email is needed.

BubbleFeeds facebook application

Check out bubblefeeds app on facebook.

The application was built using php and d3.js and is hosted on heroku .; d3.js allows document manipulation based on data.

The application is aimed to declutter the wall as in ,it allows the user to select the friend whose wall the user wishes to see.The application will then display all the posts in the friends wall by bubbles , the color of each determined by the type of the post and the dimension determined by number of likes which depicts the popularity of the post

each bubble is a clickable link which takes the user to the post.

The legend to understand the bubble :