Saturday, 9 February 2013

Haunted by Couldn't load plugin in youtube ?

Recently the youtube videos were not accessible via google chrome browser.(The chrome browser has inherent shockwave flash player,and dosen't rely on explicit installation of flash player .)

There is a solution to this, you can access the google plugin inventory by typing chrome://plugins/   in chrome browser.(check out other google chrome   tricks )

 Disable the pepperflash player

Enjoy Youtube!! .

Chrome : "couldn't load plugin"

Disable pepperflash


 And yes this works for all Operating system (Windows,Linux etc )

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Atmega tutorial

Recently i had to collaborate with a medical industry on development of digital weighing machine.

Lets see .
The first think you need to do is download the avr studio software from here,this will allow you to cross compile your code.And then you would be needing a programmer which can transfer the crosscompiled hex files from your machine to the atmega chip , you may need to develop the programmer , check this. Once these are done you have to get a usb programmer software that can allow you to use your programmer. I use 'Atmel usb programmer' from Robokits India along with Winavr for windows.

To start , go to AVR studio
1.Start a new project

 2.Give project details

3.Choose your device.
4.Programme your code
5.Compile for errors
6.Build your solution

Once these are done go to the workspace where the solution is saved, then look into the Debug directory inside your project, there search for a .hex file.This is the cross compiled hex file which you need to transfer to the device via your programmer

Go to the software used for usb programmer (in my case, Robokits)

1.Choose your device

2.Choose your hex file

That would be all.